Saturday, April 12, 2014

Delaney is FIVE! Family Birthday Party!

I'm not sure if every Mommy has the moment of realization when their first born child has entered into the stage of being a "big kid", but mine happened last Thursday at the park. I watched as she nervously waited her turn on the monkey bars as a group from a nearby school were having a field trip. All the other kids were going across and the look on her face when the boy behind her told her "to go" was one of anxiousness. She bites her fingers. But I could tell she was ready...without my help. She looked at me and then went across one by one. The moment that she looked at me after she had accomplished that goal, I knew she was one proud little girl. As proud as I was of her for succeeding, I was equally as saddened by the fact that she has grown. She ran up to me, not knowing that I saw the whole thing, and asked, "MOMMY, DID YOU SEE ME??! I DID IT!" After that, she probably did it 10 more times getting quicker each time. I teared up at the park, and I probably looked like a crazy woman, but those moments are what makes all the other crazy, awful moments of insanity worth it to stay at home. I would have missed it. I would have let these little life moment pass without even knowing they had happened. It doesn't seem like that much to anyone else, but I am so very grateful and happy to say that I saw that moment.

 Then I also get to soak in those sweet moments of stopping the smell the roses (or water feature at the Outlet mall). I find myself telling Delaney and Sam Nolan more and more that "A leisurely stroll is a gift."- Saving Mr. Banks. The closer she gets to Kindergarten the more leisurely strolls I try to take. It was a little ironic that right at that moment a man walked by and said "You need to take a picture of that moment, young lady. It passes so quickly." Yes, then I did. :)
So, for her 5th birthday she wanted a Hello Kitty/Easter party. Check and check.
She loved all the sweet little details. Hello Kitty water dispenser, cake pops (Thanks, Nana!) and full size Hello Kitty balloon!
And a Hello Kitty tat. WHoo hoo!
A few pictures with her big birthday gift this year. CHARLIE! I love this picture because this is really how our life looks most of the time. Playing and laughing. What a fun-loving, full of life little girl we have.

How did she get so big??!
Cake pops~ Hello Kitty and Easter.
Cotton Candy. My personal favorite.
Of course.
We were so happy to see the family today! We were definitely enjoying cousin James and having another fun boy around!
Delaney loved all her gifts! She is now at the age where she fully understands manners and how to use them when receiving gifts without much help from me. I think she smiled from the time they arrived to the time they left. Tonight, I asked her how her day was and she told me her day was "amazing." Thank you, everyone, for the coming to celebrate and the sweet gifts!
Cookie cake. Another request from the birthday girl.
This was about the best we could do with a five year old, two year old and one and half old. It was hard to get everyone to look at the same time! ;)
This is what he was doing the whole time. Running and yelling, "I did it! and "All done!"
Contemplating their next egg.
Loving looking for eggs!
James was so cute looking around for his eggs!
I love this picture. It makes me want to stop time.
Delaney looks focused and the boys and trying to quickly gather their eggs. Motivated.

Two little cutie pies.

Baby boy booties.
This was also a big surprise. Her old one had to be torn down and we bought a new one to replace it. It took Eric two weeks (after work and weekends) to put it up. She was so thrilled to see her new playset!
 Even though her answer was "birthday gifts" when I asked what she wished for, I hope that she succeeds and finds happiness in everything she ever wishes for. Happy 5 birthday to our "forever our baby" girl!

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