Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Life with my Loves

It has been so much fun being a stay at home mommy (really working from home) with my two loves. Between diaper changes, snacks (every hour), and trying to fit in some crafts, cooking, and little bit of work, it has been impossible for me to blog.  That's why I'm going to try harder to fit it in my schedule. Sam Nolan is now saying everything! He's growing into a little man. He loves to be told stories about "witch houses" (what he says). His eyes get really big when we say "and then GUESS what HAPPEND??!  He tells us his name is "Super Sam Pirate" and he loves to run around the house. Mostly with Delaney behind him. He can count to 10 and knows several colors. He loves to be tickled and play "Bucky"(horse-back on Eric). Delaney is really teaching him a lot (some not-so-good things), but he reads the words after Delaney during our learning time. He still eats ALL the time and loves everything his big sister does. Except broccoli. She loves it! Delaney is also doing gymnastics and softball. She loves both! She basically knows too much for her own good at times, but she makes me laugh daily with her "old soul" knowledge. She remembers EVERYTHING and it's scary how much she can recall about certain dates/times/etc. Eric and I can never make a promise we can't keep. It would be awful (for us). We love to watch "Pioneer Woman" and "Giada" and talk about the different words she uses to describe the food. She is definitely into all princesses and is super excited about her upcoming Hello Kitty/Easter egg hunting party with the family~ she chose the theme. I only have phone pictures right now, but I'll post camera pics later. :) Nothing is edited...don't have time for that stuff.

Showing off their new lunchboxes!
Me and Delaney before she goes into school.

Lordy. Do I need a caption for this??!
New cups!!
This is really what happens in the morning when we make it to church.
All dressed up.
Daddy's first year of coaching!!

We love going to the Cosby Lake park when it's pretty outside.
Yogurt Mountain picture to make Nannie jealous when she was out of town. :)

He literally ate it all.
I love this picture. It reminds me of the "cousin pics" we were in when we were this age. Except no matching outfits! haha!

Daddy and Delaney on Opening Day at the field.
Whoo hoo!!

She has SO MUCH personality!

Is she really almost 5? I'm going to cry.

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