Monday, June 8, 2015

Summer Fun 2015

We have been busy, busy, busy doing all sorts of things! Not sure if I blogged it, but this girl lost her first 2 teeth! This pic is after the first one popped out.

 Tooth fairy goodies. She even wrote a note to the fairy.
 "Tooth tokens" Sorry for the sideways pics.
This is our 2nd year to get a membership to Tville country club pool. NO one is here, so it's like it seems like it's ours. We love it! 
 Swimming like a big boy.
 Night out with Mommy and Daddy (sunburned nose from our anniversary at Ross Bridge) and Mizu

 Today, we started our "Meal-maker Mondays". Delaney is obsessed with cooking, cooking shows, and doing it all by herself. So every Monday (since SN is at MDO), we are going to make dinner and a side or dessert. It is great, too, because we are able to work together, do math with measuring, and make dinner all at the same time. Today, we made lasagna cups, nutella brownies (not pictured, but tasty) and sugar cookies with icing.
 This was a great recipe since she could do everything on her own. I only browned the meat.
 We did change the recipe a little and added spinach at the bottom. I already had it from the salad we were going to eat, so we decided to sneak it in for some added nutrition. :)

 Happy~ except SN...he didn't like the way they looked. Oh well, can't win them all.
 It was great! Everyone (including SN after a little persuasion-cookies) ate all their meal. Now, we are going to find some more recipes using the won ton cups since they were easy to work with and easy for them to eat. Success. For today.

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