Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter 2012...where shall we begin?? Warning* MANY pictures!!
 First Easter for Sam Nolan...
 And Delaney's first time to hunt for Easter eggs with our neighbors from our street. This picture is when our sweet neighbor, Alicia was telling them it was almost time to start.
 Ready, set, go!
 All of the "four and under" kids went first. They were so sweet trying to find eggs all over the place.
 Delaney's concentration was amazing. She was focused on finding as many eggs as possible...

 She gathered quite a few of them!!
 and she didn't even notice the huge grasshopper that landed on her dress. This was funny because she gets pretty dramatic (like her mommy) when bugs are around.
 Sam Nolan dramatic? Not so much. He really enjoyed the beautiful weather and hearing the kids laughing and running around. We know he will bring some competition next year at the Easter egg hunt.
 But this year, Delaney enjoyed finding all the eggs without her brother finding them first. :)
 We all had a blast! We have also decided we need one of these "misting machines" that they had at the Easter egg hunt.
 From the egg hunt, we left for the Roberts' lake house where Sam Nolan had the best time resting from the hard day of partying.
 His favorite thing to eat that day was his hands.

 After the yummy meal (and chocolate from the Easter baskets Nana and Granddaddy gave her) she was eager to get outside and hunt for more eggs.
 Can we say excited! I think this face says it all.

 Ready to find more!
 With a little help from Granddaddy...
 she found them all, and they counted them together.
 Ready for a little fishing...
 It was perfect weather for a daddy-daughter date at the pier...

 We didn't catch much...
 So we decided to rock instead.
 When we got home we all went to bed, and the Easter bunny was able to come for a visit.
 He brought Sam Nolan a bear named "Cooper" and Delaney a dog named "Nugget." When you read them a book, they respond to certain phrases. Sam Nolan wasn't too interested in the book yet...
 but he did tell him a secret. Cutie pie.
 Delaney absolutely loved her puppy and wanted to read the book immediately.
 We got a lot of Easter morning on video tape, but were able to catch this sweet moment between brother and sister...
 Sam Nolan thinks Delaney is so funny. She told him, "Happy Easter." She likes to say, "I sure do love you."
 After a busy morning, we traveled to KK and Pete's to visit with the Steadman side. Sam Nolan and Delaney received more Easter goodies!
 Delaney, Pop, and Daddy enjoying a princess puzzle...
 and staring at Sam Nolan. He smiles when Daddy asks him, "Are you a good boy?"
 We also celebrated Delaney and Lori Beth's birthdays with the family.
 So much to open and play with!!

 Sam Nolan loved cuddling with his new friends...
 He also showed off his new trick. We hold his hands and he will sit up, then stand up.
I think this is Memaw's favorite thing to do with him. :)
Guess what we did next!

 She is now a professional Easter egg hunter.
 I love this picture. Memaw, KK, and Delaney having a blast!
 Happy early birthday, Delaney! *Sam Nolan isn't pictured because he was fast asleep inside with Pop.
 Our first Easter as a family of four couldn't have been any better! We loved every bit of it.

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