Sunday, June 24, 2012

Movie Time!

We usually watch the same movies at home. (Perfect photo for the description)
 But today was a little more special. After church, we took Delaney to her first whole movie! Brave was the movie we picked, and Eric and I surprised her with the doll from the movie before we went in to see it. She was soo excited!
 We had the best time sharing this memory with her. She wanted to show us what her new doll could do...
 And pose with characters from the movie. The movie was about a princess who wanted to change her destiny and her mother who guided her in the journey to find her fate.
 Our fate for the day: Spend ttime together watching a movie and eating a bunch of popcorn. Not too healthy, but delicious!!
 And I was the mother who helped her. :)
This little boy didn't come with us, but had fun with Nana at home! They took naps and played. I didn't take any pictures of him then, but here are some of the Sam Nolan doing what he loves.

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