Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5 Month Check-up

Today was a big day! Sam Nolan's 5 month check-up with Dr. M was scheduled. Sam Nolan was up and at 'em early this morning, and we had to start our day off with a nutritious breakfast (it was pears for him).
 All that eating took some energy, so he took a little cat nap at the table.
 Boy was he having fun on the table with paper. He loved to kick it everywhere, so it was mostly gone when we left.
At the check-up, Sam Nolan weighed 15 1/2 lbs. and measured 27 1/4 inches long. Perfectly healthy baby. Dr. M. told me that she will refer us to a pediatric dermatologist to see about getting his hemangioma lasered. We also discovered a small lump under his eyebrow about 3-4 weeks ago. Dr. M. told me it is small dermoid cyst that must be surgically removed in order for it to go away. We will be finding out more on this very soon, but it did scare me a bit when I googled it. This picture isn't flattering at all of Sam Nolan, but it's just to point out the cyst...
Not only did we have all this to talk about, but poor boy got shots! Whew!

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